Friday 15 May 2015

My English Competence 2015

If I had to apply my English competence I could recommend to how it’s concerned my composition called “Mynear future” as well as “What it feels to have a broken heart and try to loveanyway”.

Firstly because in both we can see all my grammar skills as phrasal verbs, new vocabulary, originality and optimism in the way they have been written. If someone is looking for someone grateful for what life gives her/him I believe they represents how I’m.

I won’t post any podcast in view of the fact that videos or recorded voices can’t represent my fluency in speaking. As I said before, pronunciation and facility to seak can’t only be shown face to face. That may be an excuse to meet new people, don’t you think so?

My Enlish Progress in 2015

Firstly I’m going to start by comparing my first document (email to teacher) with my last composition with difference my personal development because I couldn’t be more proud of me. Now that I see the email I just can’t imagine how different I fell and think about the entire things I said. Now I’m more confident, I rely more in myself, I want to live life and I’m happy, I just smile at the world to whatever it comes to me. I’m not anymore that sad, depressive and pessimistic girl. Furthermore I have to add that this couldn’t be possible if I haven’t overtaken many bad experiences during the year. And my conclusion to this fact is the following, the one doesn’t diminish the other, we must bring out the good from the “bad” which in the end it’s not too bad.

I don’t really see many challenging grammar points in my writing but I do with the way I write them. I’m saying that I’m more fluent and it’s easier for me to complete the compositions. Pointing out my pronunciation it’s a topic that we all improve with time and practice. Moreover I have also improved my oral comprehension with the spectacular “Gone” book. A new story to dream with.

What money can't buy

Philosopher Michael J. Sandel in his speech is talking about the moral limits of the market. During the conference he attracts the public attention by tricky moral questions. Even a mini debate was started.

Sandel thesis is based in explaining how we get from having a market economy to being a market society. How can this be real? It is in fact.

M. J. Sandel is true to say that we have brought the “economy” and the “market” to another level. And I can also remark that we have even destroy the equality between everyone economy I the world. Giving the best to who have lot of money and nothing who hasn’t got almost anything.

It’s just disgusting how it is shared out. If only we had driven the economy by another path, thing nowadays could be better.

Saturday 9 May 2015

My final reflection

This year has been a special one. It hasn’t been the boring classes as always. This year is my final one in the High School and I suppose Sonia, our teacher, wanted them to be memorable. And so she did it. Of course there were hour in the timetable better than others, but we really enjoyed every one of them.

Monday morning at 8 o’clock classes are reprehensible but all the funny games or speaking activities made them trendy. As I say, everything gets as all the effort you put on it, and seeing Sonia’s satisfied face is all everyone need in the morning

Nevertheless, I have to say that doing the blog hasn’t been one of my favourite activities, yet after many hours of asking me why we have to do such work it came to my mind the efficient it is to improve our facility to write as well as for our creativity.

Having said that, I can punctuate my writing skills and next to all the writings I have done I just can’t show my gratitude enough to this little obligation. Moreover, I have improved my grammar too, in reference to the connector and conditions classes. They have always been a complication for me.

This year has been plenty of joy and I have learned a lot with every topic we have spoken about. My favourite one was… all of them in fact. And I hope to keep learning alike this months.  


6 Thing your home can live without

Home accessories expert Valerie Ott wrote a funny post on About Home talking about six special things we don’t need to buy for our lovely house.

1.      Toilet seat covers and rugs. She justifies because it contains lots of germs and moreover because they are one more extra thing to wash.

2.      Lots of picture frames.  Valerie gives her opinion saying that lots of frames can distract the attention. She advice to select the best ones and with the nicest frames. You can also put them through the wall stairs but absolutely not all of them at the same site.

3.      Outdated curtains. Many people believe that a window needs a curtain. But the writer sais that there’s no need to cover up all of them. Moreover, she expects that the curtains somebody has are old fashioned or faded by the sun.

4.      Florists’ vases. Those kinds of glass vases are outdated as the idea to have too many flowers on the table.

5.      Fake flower arrangement. Valerie prefers to have a lived tree or a plate of fruit than having dated plastic flowers.

6.      Too many knickknacks. Too many decorations in our rooms can make it cluttered and messy. And if you have a collection of them you ought to replace it time by time, not to have all of them showed.

What did I do on mother’s day?

Last Sunday was “the day” of the year of my favourite women in this world, my mummy. My sister and I every year give her something, even if it’s only a pack of hugs and kisses. This year we both wanted to be more memorable because my sister is studying out and we have to spend all time possible together when she comes home.

My family and I enjoy going to musicals when it is worth it. We have been in many here in Barcelona and it had been two years we hadn’t been in one, so we decided to reward her with four entries for Mar i Cel, a spectacular brilliant and all extreme good adjectives possible musical in Spain. It has been four years since it’s been doing around Spain and as everyone spoke so good about it we just found the perfect gift.

As we don’t live in Barcelona but a village 2h far away from, we decided to go in the morning so as to spend all the day there. I couldn’t have had a better mother’s day. We took lots of photos, selfies and silly ones. We went to the Wax museum; we walked through Gràcia and more amazing sites. After that we went to the musical and it really worth it.

I’m sorry but I can’t describe the musical, you have to go and see by yourselves. It’s just… incredible. As the day we spend together. I will never forget it. I really love it. 

My favourite Instagram profile

If it were a world to describe a person addicted to Instagram I could use it. I consider myself one of these persons. It can’t pass a day without checking my following profile by phone. My Instagram following profile isn’t as the typical young self-esteem and popular teenager who only has friends as a followers or following. Mine is so different. I’m going to explain it.

Firstly I have to say that I don’t post too much photos of myself, I’m more that kind of passive girl. I hardly-ever post a photo once a month… and my photos are not too “liked” and not too cool.

Anyway, the kinds of photos I like to see on Instagram are pretty mixed. I’m following people who posts landscapes, good travellers, cool photographers, artist who draws profiles and other, special photos of the nature, many following people that post minion photos and shorts, shop assistant clothing girls who post beautiful dresses, many of ballet dancers, National Geographic, fantastic picks and of course quotes profiles… and any following friend apart from the closest (two or three, not more).

When I wander in Instagram it’s like the perfect free time. I just get relaxed and sometimes I laugh because of the funny posts.

Some of my favourite following people are the following and I’m not going to explain in what their photos consist because as it’s said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Enjoy it.

My near future

I don’t even know what I’m going to do tomorrow, well… In fact I know it; I’m going to spend all day studding. I’m just saying that I don’t have it clear, but maybe this is an excuse to start and think about it, don’t you think so?

Well, one thing I’ve gained this year is to know what I want to study. Moreover I know what master I could like to do at the end but it’s too far away yet. It sounds crazy but I think I’m going to struggle at maximum so as to enter at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona with an enormous final mark. This is going to be a hard study month but I’m putting all my effort to meet my goals.

I wish I would also go out when all my studies are done. I wouldn’t be more proud of me if some prestige University abroad wanted me for a special experiment. Researches like experimenting with animals, death bodies… and all this friki awesome things.

Guess where I would like to live? I would love to live in an illuminated modern spectacular and small flat. Which it has one bathroom, one big bed and a fantastic shelter for my book collection. Could you imagine? I do!!

I psychologically desire to be adventurer, carefree and more spontaneous as the girls with dogs in the article described below. Perhaps all I need is a change of airs. Not love, what’s what is pretended to say. If so, I go to a vet and I buy it. And then I’ll kill two birds with one stone.


First new spices of river dolphin

Brian Clark wrote an article on National Geographic January 23, 2015 about a new river dolphin endangered found in Brazil.

Discovered in Araguaia River Basin, in central Brazil and It was thought to be isolated from the other river dolphins called “botos”. This isolation explains the different AND forms from the other dolphins. More different characteristics were found as the teeth number comparing with other “botos” and also the cranial size.

Rosenbaum, a specialist genetic differentiation of dolphins and whales, said that to bolster this new spice they should seek on more addition data.

They are qualified as being endangered because of many reasons. Some of them are because of the constructions on the river, by the fisherman who kill them and because of the agricultural and ranching activities. The Brazilian scientist had only seen 120 exemplars of this new dolphin nominated as Inia araguaiaensis.

 Rosenbaum underscores the necessity to keep on with the researches so as to know how this endangered reason can affect them in a proper future.


Broccoli could be key to preventing “fatal” cancers

Natasha Hinde wrote on Huffington Post an article about miraculous fact about cancer on April 20, 2015.
According to scientist, eating broccoli can prevent head and neck cancer. They first proved with some mice, and then with healthy human volunteers obtaining promising results.

After proving this theory the broccoli sprouts therapeutic, researchers are now extending the trials to high recurrence persons to have neck cancer with broccoli seeds powered capsules.

Dr Johnson professor of medicine at University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute though that if the high concentration sulforaphane on vegetables could prevent cancer in mice it could be effective with human too.

Isn’t incredible how science is progressing? Imagine if this really works with cancer patients. In spite of all the experiment bring about to prevent or cure cancer anyone has seem to be “the one”. But maybe we don’t need the one. We may only need to have a good diet eating all the vegetables found that can prevent or reduce the probability of having cancer.

News related with Human Rights

UN Women infographic reveals starling inequalities of women's coverage in the media

Natasha Hinde wrote a nice contribution on Huffington Post on May 8, 2015. It’s about an infographic, provided by UN Women, showing the non-equal and poorly representation of the women on the media in general.
 Do you remember Human Rights, don’t you? The second article says the following photo and I do really believe it perfectly fits with the issue we are talking about. What about all that equality between different genders? What’s going on? This infographic shows that not all the article of the Human Rights is being practiced OK. It’s true to say that it’s merely recent all this change in the gender equality but it’s time to change it!

A writer on the UN Woman says: “We still are far from a balanced representation or portrayal in the media. In fact, our research shows that the ratio of male to female characters in films has been exactly the same since 1946”.

 After saying that, she adds that if we want to achieve the equality we must work out in many issues like laws, education and representation in government, and so on, but the primordial one is with the media because it has a big impact on the rules and way of acting on everyone. 

Have a look to the infographic and give your opinion, i'm pretty sure it'll be the same as mine.

women in media


Why girls with dogs are more spontaneous, adventurous and carefree

Barrie wrote an interesting fact on Elite Daily May 8, 2015 about the connection between psychological women character and the care of a doggy.

She starts saying that what most people think about taking care of a dog make us more responsible and that this helps not to care only about oneself. After saying that, she explains why this effects on being more spontaneous, adventurous and carefree.

1)      We engage in the lost art of wondering. That’s because dogs infects to the owner the delight of wandering around cities, parks towns as the dog.
2)      We are not afraid to get dirty. Zara remarks girls without dog are in utter terror at the mere sight of dirty. Dogs are barefoot and pick up all the filth and that doesn’t care the slightest to women with a dog.
3)      We are playful. Those women know how to have fun with the care free of a child without being intoxicated because they have learned from their dogs how to let go.
4)      We understand what it means to love unconditionally. As well as the dog loves the owner unconditionally, the dynamic of this relationship makes the owner love the doggy the same way. So as the owner not only loves the dog, also to other persons.
5)      The only thing leashed in our lives is our dog. That’s why we don’t find anyone to fill the empty gaps in us; the dog is who does it. Moreover it gives us freedom from the other relationship with humans. It gives us independence.

Having a dog it’s more functional than what I though. I could never imagine such a huge important list for being more spontaneous and carefree only having a lovely dog. I hope to have one when I live home, I think it’s the most trustful animal (and person) in the world.


Dear mom: 9 reasons why I love you, even if I don’t tell you enough

Lauren Martin wrote an article on May 8, 2015 on elite daily a spectacular list of nine amazing reasons why she love her mother. And also giving little opinion or reacts in each one of them.

1.      You’ve given up everything for me and still want to give me more
2.      You care for me enough to get mad at me, but will always forgive me
3.      You support my every move no matter how bold it is
4.      You inherently believe in me, even when I don’t believe in myself
5.      You are there when other relationships are falling apart
6.      You’ve been my best friend though every friend I’ve had
7.      You let me be my most vulnerable self
8.      You are the only person who genuinely wants me to talk about myself all the time
9.      You try to see where I’m coming from, even when you disagree with me

I couldn’t agree more with all those 9 fantastic topics. I do really feel I can’t show my gratitude enough to my lovely mummy. But we can all express it and I’m pretty sure our moms will realize they have done a good job loving us.

It’s true to say that not all bonds between mother and daughter are all good. Some families are separated, others can’t see each other, and others just can be with their progenitors. But this doesn’t mean you have grown up without love. If you are in any of these situations you may know that you have been brought up with other love, by someone other who has given everything to you as if it were like other mummies.
To all the mummies and other persons who have given us all their love,

We love you

Thursday 30 April 2015

Formal letter

                                                                                                                         Laia Dalmau
                                                                                                                         Pericu, 24
                                                                                                                         Vila, Spain
   White House
   Washington DC
                                                                                                           30, April 2015

   Dear Mr President Barack Obama,

I am a high school student and my name is Laia Dalmau. I am writting to give my consence of the conferences made in many schools around United States of America.

I personally would not apreciate more than emphasis put on all those speches to the High Schools Amican students. I do really believe it is a good, a brilliant, way of motivation for everyonw who is thinking about giving up the studies. I am sure most od the listeners, after the spech, suceed in their lifes, in their atudies, in their job, etc.

Knowing alll the work required by a president, it is amazin the time spent for motivation speches. Thats why I do really want to thank you for all your effort put on it.

Nevertheless, I would really like to take into concideration the fact that, maybe, all these speches can be also made so as to contribute in make all the human rights be everywhere and for everyone come true. Do not ever think about a world without anyone suffering from starvation or suffering because her/him does not have any shelter?

Looking forward to your promote reply,

Laia Dalmau

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Informal letter: Nomophobic friend

Me: ...and then we went to the beach and my breother couldn't wait anymore to have a swim. So... Yes! I've had a very good weekend and then... Emily! Are you listening to me?

Emily: What? Wait a sec please. Oh my God! What lovely shoes... I must get them.

Me: Well... I think I'm  going home, you aren't listening to me and I'm wasting my time, gotta do lot of homework.

Emily: What the hell?! It's not working! There's no Wifi in here? Excuse me Sir, what's the Wifi code?

Me: Emily!

Emily: Oh, Sarah, excuse me...

Me: No! I'm not going to forgive you. You're sick! You're nomophobic!

Emily: No I'm not!

Me: Yes you are. Give me your phone, then.

Emily: What?! I'm not going to do that. Are you kidding me?

Me: No I'm not!. You're. Do you know which is the percentage of nomophobics people as our age? A 77% of the population. And I'm pretty sure you're one of them. You're all the time with the mobile phone, connected to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, shop online apps... You feel a special atraction to it. You've  indomnia, fear of being apart from your phone, horrorified when it's turning off battery... And what's worst.. You are on the age of losing face to face communication and friends.

Emily: I don't want to lose you.

Me: Me neither but your dependance on your mobile phone is running our friendship out. Aren't you seeing it?

Emily: I just want to be worldwire connected.

Me: And you keep on mind deffending this stupid machine... I can't believe it!

Emily: You should stop shouting at me.

Me: And you should go to a psicologist. I'm tired of being the only onw interested in keeping in touch with each other. Just call me when your mobile phone is off your life.

Emily: Sarah! Wait!

Waiter: Madam, here you have the Wifi code.

Emily: Oh thank you! OMG! Look at Mileys party! Gotta tweet it.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Human Rights

Human Right are all the 30 rights inherent to everyone in the world for the reason that we are a human.
There are 30 rights in total and during all the history of the human living has been talked about this topic. During the years this Right has been changes as well as it's name. Som name examples of this documents are Magna CArta (1215), the Engish Bill of Rights (1689) and the United States Bill of Rights(1719).
To tell the truth, I wasn't familiar with any of all the 30 Human Right. And thats why I think teachers should teach us this kind of things earlier.

The Right to seek a safe place to live

This Right is on number 14 and I firstly want to stand out this moving video as an example to represent how important it is to have a household. 
Even if you are an adult, a teenager or even more poignant a young girl or boy; everyone should have this valuable Right.
Imagine a situation like the video, a situation where you aren't save anywhere, a situation where you even have a roof to protect you from the storms or the droughts.
Just conceive what it could be like to live under pursuits where you cannot get out of.
From my point of view I personally think we ought to have this fundamental Right so as to live equal and to live with minium conditions as well as to be able to have somewhere to shelter.

Saturday 14 March 2015

The top 6 saga and book list I’m looking forward to read

I have to say that my list of book I want to read this 2015 is very extensive but they are all in my mind. In total are 17 book and they are not thin. But as a good reader I am, it’s better late than never, so it doesn’t mind if I don’t finish them on 2015.

Divergent trilogy: I get to know this trilogy (Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant) thanks to the trailer of the first parte book. The author is Veronica Roth and Santa Claus brings me the entire trilogy on Christmas. This story is about a future forecast one. The main character is Tris and the society she lives is divided in five sections where they decide to belong in a determinate age. But something new is going to happen in Tris live and that’s what makes a very fascinating saga.

The fault in our stars: This love story of John Green is between to teenager, both with cancer. And it shows how they fall in love and how they get through their cancer. I have already read the book as well as seen the film. Nevertheless I fall in love with this love story that I just want read it again.

City of Bones SAGA: This is a huge saga composed of five books (City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels and City of Lost Souls) by Cassandra Clare. Those are another love saga as Twilight; there are werewolves, demons, angels, ghosts and all this kind of stuff. It has only brought to the screen the first book but I’m sure the rest is coming.

Gone SAGA: This is a larger saga than Cassandra ones. This saga completed of six books (Gone, Hunger, Lies, Plague, Fear and Light) by Michael Grant is full of mystery, passion, desperation, love and intrigue. I haven’t read anyone of these book but my sister and her boyfriend give me for Christmas one of this book. As they aren’t readers they couldn’t know that it was a saga, so they give me the third one without knowing anything. So I have the third book and I have to buy the first to have a good start.

The Book Thief: By Markus Zusak talks about a young girl living on the Hitler era. I don’t know what’s the plot of the book due to I haven’t seen the film either. My friend Lydia gave it to me las summer for my birthday and I haven’t already read it.

Anne Frank diary: This book it’s like the main story which is read by all the children in the world. But I haven’t and I feel discomfort with it. Moreover, it’s related with another book as The Fault in our stars and since then I fell attached to read it.

The top 4 films I’m looking forward to see this 2015

This four trailer films are from what I’m almost looking forward to see in cinema or home this 2015 with difference.

Minions:  I just love their voice. They are absolutely adorable. Aren’t they? I get to know them by looking on the TV the second part of the film Despicable Me. And when I found out watching this trailer on cinemas I couldn’t be more excited to this film especially for them.

Pitch Perfect 2: I didn’t see this film on school as almost my school mates did. I’m just a cinema fan I just found the first part on the internet. I saw it once and then twice and more and more times. So now I’m just looking forward the second part which I think will not disappoint anyone.

Furious 7: This saga has motivated me since the first film of them. I just love the cars they use for the films, the action and also the actors performed in it. Two years ago died one of the main actors, Paul Walker, and I personally think it’s good to commemorate his death.

Insurgent: it’s the second part of the trilogy of Veronica Roth. I get to know this saga for the astonishing first part trailer, after seeing the first one on the screen I bought the entire trilogy to read it. But because of the high school I haven’t read all of them. So I hope to have time to read this trilogy before the second part comes to screen.

15 Qualities that mean you’re a workaholic. And you love it

Liz Rae wrote on Elite Daily on 13/3/15 an interesting article about 15 qualities that you can be reflected in meaning you are a workaholic as the title says.

1.       You get on average of 4 to 5 hours of sleep per night. And it’s not because you can’t sleep because of work, well, it’s, but it’s also due to you think life is too short for you to sleep.
2.       You’re either incredibly organized or talented hot mess. Liz Rae confesses that she has three calendars, not only one. She has them on the phone, online and on her wall.
3.       Your first instinct when you wake up is to make coffee. This point is even more important than to think about what hour you have to wake up on the morning. Firstly is the coffee anyway.
4.       You also think about your coffee intake all day. Coffee is for this person like a drug.
5.       You find the most efficient way to do everything. Everything means sleep, travel, spend your money even more going to the bathroom. Moreover, if something is wasting your time you get angry.
6.       You know everyone
7.       You value hard work. Workaholic doesn’t take the easy path. If you slack off you know it’s inefficient.
8.       You know the best way to use smartphone. In your phone the app you use is that one that finds you the quickest way to go to work, to file an expense report, to do mobile banking…
9.       You know how to make work exciting. Because you like to live day-by-day with jokes or with taking lunch with new people every day.
10.   You don’t take days off
11.   You get annoyed when people tell you you’re a workaholic. As Liz Rae says, you already know this fact, so why do people feel the need to tell you?
12.   You also get annoyed when people don’t work as hard.
13.   You’re driven. Liz Rae explains this by meaning that you have underlying goals, that you want to change the world and that you’re doing what’s best for you.
14.   You’ve a small group of friends. You only want friends who understand your effort to work as much.
15.   You’re successful. Making money, changing the lives of others and working on large-scale projects is what drives you to get out of bed at 4am.

I don’t consider myself as a strict workaholic person but I have that impression in some points. For example, I consider myself with points 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14 and of course 13 and 15. They are many but not all of them are exactly done in my life. I have spent a joyful time reading this article because I have heard many time of this but I have never seen anything written down. That’s nice.

Chocolate can make people happier and 12% more productive

Chris Riotta wrote in Elite Daily on 13/3/15 a research of new study made. This study is about chocolate. And guess what?

If we eat chocolate throughout the day we will increase a 10 and even a 12 percent our levels of happiness and work. This study made to 700 people has emphatically proved it because all of those candidates were able to perform accurately on test given.

So, you can eat chocolate! Even if you are on a diet! Essentially, chocolate help us to work harder and more productively.

Next week when I’ll be going to school I won’t think twice on taking with me some snack chocolate so as to work better.

Will you do it? Let’s try it! Prosper life to chocolate!

What it feels to have a broken heart and try to love anyway

Paul Hudson has written on Elite Daily on 13/3/15 a related history of mine. I recently have split up with my boyfriend and this new had really attacked my attention.

Paul Hudson is explaining that it’s not true or correct to use the phrase “a broken heart” because, as he says, nothing is truly break, nothing physical or psychological. He rectifies it as that we’ve simply detached ourselves from the world we thought we knew and found ourselves in a separated version of reality. And I couldn’t agree more with him. Moreover, he explains how we feel when “our heart breaks” as that when we’re realizing the realities we though to exist were nothing more than fantasy. Another fact can’t deny.

In this time of “breaking heart” we aren’t sure of what to do with ourselves because we don’t understand why the person we love so much just walked out of us. And even if we fight till the end to keep going on live we’ll never stop thinking on that individual. This is due to the high influence he/she was on our life.

Moreover our personality makes a change. We aren’t as optimistic as we were to the idea of love, we don’t have that trust we had at the beginning. Nevertheless, sooner or later all this believes will become mundane that we will feel like give love another shot.

Firstly, as Paul Hudson explains, we will find every new candidate shorter than the person who gone away. But that’s love my friends! As Paul Hudson says in the article, if love isn’t carried along by ain, longing or worry it can’t be called love.

Then, when all those feelings we once had aren’t present every day on our mind but it hadn’t disappeared either we’ll be ready to move on. We’ll start thinking optimistically as that there’s someone else out there for us.

If only I had met this writer before… it’s simply awesome how he write and explains feelings and daily situations… just fall in love with it. As you can see, I couldn’t agree more with him and I’m entirely open and full of energy to help going whatever the problem it comes in front of me. Thanks to Paul Hudson I feel comfortable and I believe in myself I’ll get over this broken heart situation.

Thanks you Paul Hudson.

Healthy vegetarian diet tips: how to make sure you eat enough protein

Brogan Drisoll wrote an article on Huffington post on 13/3/15 about which and how to combine vegetables so as to get enough proteins in the vegetarian diet, called protein-combining.

It’s a fact that not all the 20 amino acid are produced by the human body so we have to ingest those nine essential amino acids none produced by. It’s crucial to combine all the proteins due to the muscle growth and repair as well as a source of fuel for our bodies.

Brogan Drisoll has divides his article in five main groups sources of protein which are all preferable to combine.
1.       Plant-based completed proteins included in soya beans and products like tempeh or tofu, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and chlorella and spirulina.
2.       Vegetarian sources of animal proteins from organic eggs and dairy products.
3.       First group of proteins: whole grains. For example; brown rice, barley, rye, millet, oats and wholegrain pasta.
4.       Second group of proteins: nuts/seeds. For example; sunflower, hemp, sesame, pumpkin seeds, seed sprouts, almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts and nut butter.
5.       Third group: legumes. For example; chickpeas, peas, black eyed beans, kidney beans and bean sprouts.

Many people recently had change it’s died to this vegetarian one. And I personally think it’s good to eat those so as to reduce the amount of animals we kill to eat and vegetable are easy to work with, economically better and preferable to eat.